Need more from WACADA? Learn about WACADA Professional Development Grants!

Did you know that you can request professional development money from WACADA? WACADA members can request up to $250 for a professional development grant to attend workshops, seminars, or conferences, or to conduct original research. Members can also use grant funds for student programs, such as the one Cathy Mathweg implemented at her institution.

Cathy is the Dean of Academic Advising and Academic Services at Marian University and has been a member of WACADA since 1997. She served as a president on the Executive Board from 2005-06.  Although Cathy has been a member of WACADA for nearly 20 years, she didn’t apply for a WACADA grant until 2016. Cathy submitted a grant application for money to offer a common read program at her university. “The decision was made to implement a common read for the academic advisors as a way to have not only an opportunity for professional development but also to connect as academic advisors and support our university cover value of Community as well as Learning,” she said.

Cathy was able to do two common reads that year. In the summer of 2016, students and faculty read Mindset by Carol Dweck, and in the fall of 2016, they read Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman.  As the program got underway, Cathy quickly learned that professional development can start with a brown bag lunch and a common interest in lifelong learning. She and a coworker shared their experience at the 2016 WACADA annual conference in September. During their presentation, “Implementing a Common Read on Your Campus,” they discussed the process they and other coworkers used to implement and sustain a common read at Marian University.

As a long term member of WACADA, Cathy is a great example of just how important WACADA is as a professional organization. “WACADA is supporting, mentoring, and networking,” she said. Simply put, WACADA is here to help advisors at any stage of their career. Graduate assistants, new advisors, faculty advisors, veteran advisors, etc., all have one thing in common: a love of advising. And each member brings different knowledge and perspectives to the table. There is so much to be learned from one another and WACADA provides that opportunity.

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